Cellular health matters greatly since it directly affects how your body functions, repairs itself, how well it produces new body tissue, and much more.
The cells in the body are often referred to as the ‘’building blocks of life.’’ There over 200 different types of cells that make up the different areas of the body including the muscles, bones, and organs. The cells are responsible for converting nutrients into energy and keeping the body healthy and thriving. First and foremost, we cannot live without an abundance of healthy cells versus malfunctioning cells in the body.
The cell membrane is the cell's outermost line of defense against viruses. Cell membranes are just a few nanometres thick but are essential for life. They serve as a barrier between the cell's interior and its surrounding environment and host many activities necessary for cell function. If the cell membranes are more resistant to viral entry it would slow down the progress of viral infection and reduce its harmful effects.
For a virus to spread, it must first find a way into a cell. Therefore, it is important to do all that we can do to ensure the optimal health of our cells, especially the integrity of the cell walls, and protect them from damage by the production of free radicals from oxidative stress caused by lifestyle factors, a poor diet, toxin exposure and chronic stress. Good cell health is essential for the body to function properly. If you do not, then internal processes will become sluggish and lead to illness or poor health.
The Function of Cells in the Body
The body's 75 trillion cells (nerve cells, blood cells, muscle cells, bone cells, etc.) are all working together, day and night. Cells combine to form many different types of tissues that enable us to eat, breathe, feel, move, think, and reproduce. There are around 200 different types of specialized cells with specific functions throughout the body such as in: the brain, the heart, the blood, the muscles, the liver, the eyes, and more. All these cells communicate with each other and rely on these communications to keep us alive. Each cell must perform specific tasks to collaborate effectively with other cells in the body and each cell must make the molecules it needs to maintain the integrity of the cell wall, survive, grow, multiply, and do its job. In our bodies, cells are constantly being damaged, dying, and being replaced — even in healthy people.
The Body Signals When Cellular Malfunction is Occurring
Our body tells us when it is having trouble. We must recognize the signals by listening for them and then not ignoring them until the problem becomes serious enough to cause a severe decline in our health. Often the warning signs are evident in our physical appearance — we just do not look like we feel well. Other signs include:
-Low energy level or fatigue
-Aches and pains
-Skin problems & Allergies
-Digestion troubles
-Sleep difficulties
-Susceptibility to infections
-Mood, thought, or behavioural problems
-Weight issues
Cell-Fast Capsules contain the following ingredients to ensure that the cell walls stay healthy and maintain their integrity:
Calcium AEP
Calcium EAP (Ethanol Phosphate) / Calcium AEP (Amino Ethanol Phosphate) are nutritional therapies which contain both a mineral (calcium) and a chemical, Ethanol Phosphate (a chemical found in the protective covering around nerve cells). The idea of combining Ethanol Phosphate with calcium originated with Hans Nieper, MD of Germany in 1964, who began experimenting with mineral compounds to help heart patients. Calcium 2-AEP plays a role as a component in the cell membrane and at the same time has the property to form a complex with minerals. This mineral transporter goes into the outer layer of the outer cell membrane where it releases its associated mineral and is itself metabolized with the structure of the cell membrane. The effect here is an increase of the electrical condenser function of cell membranes to resist toxins and viruses which may otherwise enter the cell and cause cellular degeneration.
It has also been shown to be effective in supporting a host of conditions, including multiple sclerosis, diabetes, asthma and immune disorders. For conditions which involve nerve pain, Calcium EAP / Calcium AEP theoretically work by carrying calcium to the nerve-cell membrane, where it prevents the electricity involved in nerve transmissions from dissipating.
Dr. Nieper believes that MS is initiated by a viral attack on the nervous system, followed by an error in programming the immune system to defend it. The immune system ends up attacking the nerves, especially the myelin sheath. Normally, certain steroids eliminate this bad programming but certain pollutants such as Chlorine, Fluoride, some heavy metals and especially Aluminum, interfere with the process.
Bone mineralization requires steady electromagnetic potential at the surface of the cell membranes of bone tissues. Calcium AEP performs an important role in maintaining this electromagnetic potential, which builds up apatite from Calcium phosphate minerals and hardens and strengthens bone
Calcium AEP also helps nourish myelin sheathing of the nerves and supports healthy cell membrane structure.
AEP is attracted to cell membranes throughout the body. It supports the structural integrity of cell membranes and helps build the phospholipid layer of the cell. Nerve cells in particular are very high in phospholipids, thus Calcium AEP provides specific nutritional support for nerves.
Nerves and Cell Membranes
AEP is an important component of the cell membrane. In a properly nourished state, cell membranes retain the electrical charges of calcium, magnesium, and potassium ions. Because Calcium AEP is highly attracted to the phospholipid-rich structure of nerve membranes (like the myelin sheathing of nerves), it strengthens nerve cell integrity and supports the energy needed for normal electrical nerve conduction.
Stress and various forms of wear and tear take their toll on nerves. Calcium AEP is an extraordinary nerve support nutrient for recovery from daily activities as well as periods of longer-term nerve stress.
Healthy cell membranes are not only needed for the optimal function of the cell, but also for the synthesis of hyaluronic acid by cell membranes. This is used to promote and sustain physical structure between cells and is vital to healthy body structure.*
1. Nieper HA. Mineral transporters. New Dynamics of Preventive Medicine; 1974: 43-54.
2. Nieper HA. A clinical study of the calcium transport substance Ca l-d1-aspartate and Ca 2-aminoethyl phosphate as potent agents against autoimmunity and other anticytological aggressions. Agressologie. 1967, 8:1-12.
3. Nieper HA. A comparative study of the clinical effect of Ca-1-d1-aspartate (Calciretard), of Ca-2-aminoethanol phosphate (Ca-EAP) and of the cortisones. Agressologie. 1968, 9: 471-474.
4. Nieper, HA. Suppression of cancer development by calcium colamine phosphate and by calcium-l-d1-aspartate. The Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. December 1995.
5. Nieper HA. Impairment of digestive potential in MS and osteoporosis patients. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. February/March 1991.
6. Ferrari V and Harkness RD: Increase of 2-amino-ethyl-phosphate in regenerating liver tissue
J Phsiol, 113: 27, 1951.
7. Segal W: Biosynthesis of 2-aminoethaneohosphoradimic acid: A phosphoramidic acid re-arrangement, Nature, 5017: 1284 1965.
Narrod SA and Jakoby WB: Metabolism of ethanolamine J biol chem 239: 2189, 1964.
D-ribose, a naturally occurring monosaccharide found in the cells and particularly in the mitochondria, is essential in energy production. Without sufficient energy, cells cannot maintain integrity and function. Supplemental D-ribose has been shown to improve cellular processes when there is mitochondrial dysfunction.
D-Ribose is integral for our cells to create energy. All cellular respiration requires that we utilize ribose to make energy to perform a host of functions.
It has been shown in studies to improve heart function, especially when there has been ischemic (lack of oxygen) injury to the heart muscle.
Every cell in your body depends on ribose to run. Your heart uses an insane amount of energy to work on a daily basis. An estimated 6,000 grams of energy is consumed in pumping blood throughout your body every day. The heart’s stored energy, at any given moment, is about .7 grams. The heart has to constantly replace its energy requirements and our heart muscle cells need ribose to function.
One of the most important raw materials for building healthy new cells is a form of organic sulphur known as methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM). This element is so essential to life that it is found in every cell of every plant and every animal. Sulphur-containing MSM benefits the immune system by maintaining cell wall integrity, cell regeneration and permeability. For cells to maintain optimum function, the cell walls must remain pliable. Without this properly functioning structure, the immune system will eventually deteriorate. Sulphur makes up 0.25% of human body weight and approximately half of the total body sulphur is concentrated in the muscles, skin, and bones. MSM is present in some fresh fruits, vegetables, and grass-fed meat. However, food processing, mineral soil depletion and reduced consumption of fresh produce has lowered levels in our body. Thereby increasing the need to supplement MSM and boost cellular levels. The new cells become more pliable and permeable, allowing fluids to pass through the tissue more easily which means a more efficient elimination of toxins and a reduction in inflammation and pain.
Fulvic Acid
Fulvic acid is readily admitted into living cells due to its low molecular weight, its electrical potential, and its bio-transporting ability. Once MSM is inside the living cell, it participates in selective trading or supply of minerals and other nutrient factors inside the cell.[1] In addition to supplying essential nutrients to the cell it has been shown that the fulvic acid can chelate toxins reducing them to a harmless state. On the cellular level fulvic acid is superior for neutralizing toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances and carrying these intruders out of the body. It is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants and free radical scavengers known. It has the unique ability to react with both negatively and positively charged unpaired electrons and render free radicals harmless. It can either alter them into new useable compounds or eliminate them as waste. Fulvic acid can similarly scavenge heavy metals and detoxify pollutants, stimulate and create optimum growth and replication conditions.
Fulvic acids act as a specific cell sensitizing agent and enhances the cell wall integrity and permeability of the cell membrane, and intensifies the metabolism of proteins, RNA, and DNA
Fulvic acid has the ability to complex vitamins into its structure, where they are presented to the cell in combination with complex minerals. In this perfect natural condition, they are able to be catalysed and utilized by the cell. In absence of adequate trace minerals, vitamins are unable to perform their proper function.
Rashid, M.A. (1985) Geochemistry of Marine Humic Substances. New York: Springer-Verlag.; Vaughn, D., Malcolm, R.E., & Ord, B.G. (1985) Soil Organic Matter and Biological Activity. (p. 77-108) Dordrecht, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff; Vaughn, D., Ord, B., & Malcolm, R.E. (198) Journal of Experimental Botany, 29,1337-1344.

Vitamin D3
Vitamin D is a nutrient your body needs for building and maintaining healthy bones. That's because your body can only absorb calcium, the primary component of bone, when vitamin D is present. Vitamin D also regulates many other cellular functions in your body. Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neuroprotective properties support immune health, muscle function and brain cell activity.
Research on vitamin D use for specific conditions shows:
Cancer. Findings on the benefits of vitamin D for cancer prevention are mixed. More studies are needed to determine whether vitamin D supplementation may reduce the risk of certain cancers.
Cognitive health. Research shows that low levels of vitamin D in the blood are associated with cognitive decline. However, more studies are needed to determine the benefits of vitamin D supplementation for cognitive health.
Multiple sclerosis. Research suggests that long-term vitamin D supplementation reduces the risk of multiple sclerosis.
Osteoporosis. Studies suggest that people who get enough vitamin D and calcium in their diets can slow bone mineral loss, help prevent osteoporosis and reduce bone fractures. Ask your doctor if you need a calcium and vitamin D supplement to prevent or treat osteoporosis.
Diseases Involving Disturbance of Cell Membranes
Some illnesses are initiated when the body is unable to synthesize and incorporate into cell membranes adequate amounts of colamine phosphates such as Calcium-AEP. Conversely, restoring levels of Ca-AEP to proper levels has been shown to improve cell membrane integrity and produce actions that are both therapeutic and preventive in nature. Among the diseases initiated or influenced by disturbances in cellular membranes are:
-Multiple Sclerosis.
-Inflammatory disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis.
-Diabetes, both Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) and Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM)
-Diabetic complications, including diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy
-Lung diseases and other conditions characterized by poor gaseous exchange in the alveoli.

Cell-Fast Capsules enhance your quality of life, performance, lifespan and optimize
the “building blocks” of your body.
Each 400mg Vegicap contains: Fulvic Acid 50mg; D-Ribose 100mg; Calcium AEP 200mg; MSM 50mg; Vit D3 2000 i/u 125mcg. Contains no fillers, preservatives or bulking agents.