Products that help with the management of Diabetes

Derma Kure Cream and Wound Spray are your first choice in the treatment of the following:
Leg and foot ulcers, Cuts and abrasions that can lead to more serious conditions if left untreated, Fever blisters and cold sores, Burns and sunburn'
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GLUCOFAST CAPSULES provide a simple and effective method to help maintain healthy glucose levels. The active ingredients work safely within your current regimen to promote proper pancreatic function.

NEURO-FAST CAPSULES are proven to prevent and reverse the symptoms of neuropathy. The selected ingredients in each capsule work together to offer relief from the burning, tingling sensation associated with neuropathy.

DNA CARB-FAST is an advanced natural supplement that maintains and keeps the the glucose/insulin balance and body weight at an optimal level.

DERMA-PSOR CAPSULES are formulated to keep the liver healthy. A healthy liver helps control blood glucose and cholesterol levels which are important to prevent diabetic complications.

The main ingredient in Cell-Fast is Ca-AEP (Calcium 2-aminoethylphosphate), has produced good results in treating Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1), Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2) and the complications of diabetes. The treatment of Type 1 diabetes with Ca-AEP has resulted in lowered insulin requirements and in reduced sugar excretion. Ca-AEP’s therapeutic effect on diabetics is partly due to its inhibiting pancreatic autoimmune disorders.
Ca-AEP has improved the regulation of blood glucose in Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is not a problem of reduced insulin production, but rather insulin resistance and an inability to transport glucose into cells. In such cases, eating excess carbohydrates causes an abnormal rise in blood sugar. If, on the other hand, the individual does not eat, hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) may result. When type 2 patients are treated with Ca-AEP, this abnormality practically disappears, because glucose transport into cells is restored.
Diabetic Complications
In diabetes the problem is not just the increase in blood sugar, but the consequences of exposure to both elevated blood sugar and elevated insulin over the course of a lifetime. Elevated glucose levels produce toxic metabolites (side products, or end products of metabolism) that are deposited in and damage numerous structures of the body ranging from the red blood hemoglobin to the cell membranes of blood vessels. This effect leads to degenerative problems in 20-30 years.
Ca-AEP is beneficial in preventing and treating the complications of diabetes. It seals the cell membrane that prevents toxic glucose metabolites from entering and damaging the cells.
In the United States, diabetes is the second most frequent cause of blindness. Diabetic retinopathy is caused by damage to the small vessels in the retina as a consequence of sugar deposits in the cell membranes. Diabetic retinopathy has been prevented and reversed by treatment with Ca-AEP.
The kidneys are the organs most endangered by diabetes on a long term basis. The glomeruli (the filtering unit of the kidney, is a unique bundle of capillaries that remove waste products from the blood into the urine. There are about one million glomeruli in each kidney) are slowly destroyed by constant high glucose levels which ultimately lead to kidney failure. Dr Hans Nieper who studied the administration of CA2-AEP over a 24 year period to patients with diabetes, found that diabetic nephropathy did not occur in any of the patients.

Poor circulation and uncontrolled diabetes can lead to an increased risk of amputation.
Diabetics have a higher risk for conditions that affect the circulatory system, including:
High blood glucose levels that lead to fatty deposits forming inside the blood vessels. Over time, these deposits make the blood vessels narrow and hard, lessening blood flow. Peripheral artery disease (PAD) produces fatty deposits that narrow blood vessels, mainly in the legs and feet. One-third of people with diabetes older than 50 have PAD.
Over time, poor blood flow can be detrimental for the hands, legs and feet. Complications associated with poor blood flow include:
Pain while walking
Decreased sensation in hands or feet
Increased risk of developing infections or ulcers of the foot
Slower healing time for wounds
Nerve damage (neuropathy) that increases the likelihood of amputation
Proper circulation is key for maintaining optimal health. It ensures that blood and oxygen continuously flow throughout the body, allowing every organ to function properly.