Probiotics & Their Multifold Benefits
Loosely defined, probiotics are ingested microbes that can modify intestinal microbial populations in a way that benefit the host. Many of the benefits of supplemental microflora, including Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, are well known. These benefits include maintenance of intestinal homeostasis, competitive exclusion of pathogens, production of antimicrobial compounds, promotion of the intestinal barrier function, immune modulation and some very promising results in the area of inflammatory bowel disease.1
There are more than 400 different species of microbes in the intestinal tract. These lactic acid-producing bacteria provide many benefits, including:
Synthesizing vitamins and increasing the bioavailability of minerals.5
Maintaining the mucosal barrier.6
Reduces untoward symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.7
Inhibiting bacterial pathogens by producing lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and antibacterial substances called bacteriocins.8,9 Stimulating immune function,10,11,12
Modulating immune system hypersensitivity.13
Inhibiting Candida albicans.14
Probiotic bacteria colonize primarily the human colon15, produce lactic acid and work to block bacterial infection in the gut by producing antimicrobial substances that are effective against many harmful gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.16,17 Further, many species of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria bind to the intestinal mucosa and prevent attachment of pathogenic coliform bacteria.18,19,20

Probiotics and the Immune System
It is important to note that intestinal immune tissue constitutes nearly 80% of all the immunologically active cells in the body. Research demonstrates an important relationship between microflora and the intestinal immune system. The most dramatic demonstration of the immune stimulating properties of probiotics is in studies on animals raised in a “germ-free” environment (gnotobiotic environment). In these animals, the intestinal immune system is underdeveloped, but is rapidly restored to a normal state upon the introduction of even a single bacterial species.21
Surprisingly, despite the presence of many potential pathogens in the intestinal microflora mix, humans rarely get infected. Research is beginning to clarify why. We now know that the intestine interacts with intestinal bacteria to develop several protective mechanisms. These include two major areas:
(1) improving the intestinal barrier function, which is a combination of a mucus layer and the intestinal epithelial cells themselves.
(2) stimulating immune function while avoiding exaggerated responses via immune modulation. This interaction between the human host and probiotic microflora is believed to explain some of the clinical benefits, such as treatment and prevention of diarrhea, reducing the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis and modulating host immune response (such as in allergic disease).22
How DNA-Probio can help with inflammatory skin conditions.
Researchers have highlighted the crucial role of gut health in managing psoriasis. When your microbiome is out of balance, inflammation skyrockets. They now realize that your gut health has a direct effect on your psoriasis. Psoriasis isn’t just a skin condition—it’s an autoimmune disorder caused by systemic inflammation, which is largely influenced by the gut – skin connection.
Psoriasis isn’t just about what’s happening on your skin—it’s a reflection of deeper imbalances within your body. What you see on the surface of your skin is just the tip of a much larger problem beneath.
An unhealthy gut barrier lets harmful substances into your bloodstream, which leads to chronic Inflammation and starts a never-ending cycle of flare-ups.
The immune system then attacks your own skin cells as if they were unwelcome invaders. It has been proven that the gut and skin are in constant communication, and when your gut isn't happy, your skin shows it in the form of a psoriasis flare up.
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